RELATED: 15 Best Settlements In Fallout 4, Ranked These armor sets are scattered throughout the Mojave desert, but there are some more unique items that offer special bonuses or are just really … I can restore my health, eat my enemies, and there are no negative consequences except sometimes Cass looks at me funny. Ammo isn't hard to come by one way or another. If going Melee, you will want the following perks: Super Slam (level 8, Melee 45 required), Unstoppable Force (level 12, 90 Melee), Piercing Strike (level 12, 70 Unarmed) (Yes, you want that for Melee.

With the exception of Wild Wasteland, which has a less direct effect on gameplay, each trait modifies (and hampers) the Courier's statistics in some way this can include Primary statistics, Derived statistics, or SPECIAL points and skills. Be sure to get 6 in agility and you're good to go. One can choose up to two traits when designing a character (or none at all). Posts promoting or facilitating piracy in any way will be removed. Don't set anything to more than 9 initially, as you'll miss the chance to top it up with an implant. If going Unarmed, do the above and add Paralyzing Palm (level 18, 70 Unarmed). All posts and comments in end, come down to moderator discretion. FlameStormer2000 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Built to Destroy can be easily ignored once you get Jury Rigging or into the habit of making repair kits and Dead Money gives you an unlimited amount of them. Skilled is definitely the best perk and the exploit that doubles it's effectiveness just adds to that.